Part 7 Blog – Israel – Up To Jerusalem
Part 7 Blog – Israel – Up to Jerusalem
Hello friends and intercessors,
Isaiah 43:19 is becoming clearer for Arad……………….. “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth, shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert”.
We are not to do things done in the past concerning the lives and traditions of His people………………but a new thing – a move of His Spirit that will change the nature and culture of Arad and other places in the Negev. This seems huge and do I have enough time to accomplish this?
I am writing from Jerusalem where many changes are taking place daily. We have about 10 days until the BNB where I am staying closes for good. I have looked for several apartments for my short term plans here in Jerusalem. So far none of these options have worked for me. Father has a plan and I need to know what it is? When I say short term I am referring to the opening of the apartment in Arad which has been promised to me no later than October 15, but the current renter said she could be out by September 1, 2017. That would work perfect for me. I will have to leave Israel no later than September 8 as my current visa expires at that time. I have only three options – Cyprus, Petra, or the East coast of the USA. Pray with me to hear God clearly on that please.
Since the plans to close the BNB here, God has shown me clearly that I should make the move to Arad now and begin to pray and intercede over the work He has in that City. From there I believe I am to come to Jerusalem once or twice a month and minister in a place not yet determined.
Concerning Arad, a few days ago my friend and I were discussing that city. In the natural we are to create a “theme park” with a place for “family” picnics and recreation in the desert that will include a swimming pool and area for “community” and provide some jobs for locals. Currently Arad has no recreation place like this but I believe it can serve the desert community. Plan is to find property just outside the city.
In the Spirit we will minister from the apartment that I will take hopefully in September/October. When I say we it will be (mostly me). God’s plan could change this slightly – more on that later.
I believe the road in the above scripture exist from Jerusalem to Arad and Beersheva. The desert people mostly work in Beersheva, Jerusalem, or the Dead Sea resorts, so they have to travel daily to work. When I was here in February I knew that Arad was to have a new culture to provide jobs with financial and spiritual prosperity. Then Father gave me the dream when I returned to Denver later in the month. The Arts will be a part of that new culture……..seems impossible but all things are possible with God, I read that somewhere LOL.
Recently In the Desert
Yesterday on Shabbat, Tiki and I drove to the Dead Sea and enjoyed a “picnic” on the beach in the mild 105% temperature. Yes, it’s more than a Sabbath’s day’s journey (smile). We decided to drive back through Arad which is one of our favorite drives in the Negev. About five miles outside of Arad we both saw what appeared to be a “pillar of smoke”. We thought there was a fire in or near Arad. Much to our surprise there was no fire and when we arrived in Arad there was no “pillar of smoke”. Once in the City we drove past the apartment, then we drove to a residential area. I saw a house for sale that would be perfect for ministry but then I remembered we are to start in the apartment God has already provided. Just to the south of that area I saw what could be a great area for a theme park. I now believe that is probably not far enough outside the city.
Leaving the city limits we continued to drive up to Jerusalem. About 5 minutes down the road I saw a pillar of dust (small tornado of desert dust) which led us directly into a forest of trees and we decided to go and investigate what was there. We discovered “Arad Park” partially developed with no pool but with great potential for what God had placed on our hearts a few days before. We will investigate this more this week.
Back on our route to Jerusalem we stopped at a place where I had commented on many times as a fortress on a hill. But we had never taken the time to drive in stop and look. Yesterday, we did that only to discover an Israeli national Park called Tel Arad. The man at the gate explained what it was and he gave us permission to drive to the top where the fortress is. Wow! We could see all the way to the City of Arad and far beyond. What are you doing Lord? Normally there is a fee to enter this place but we get to drive to the top for free on Shabbat. We will soon take a day – go pray and proclaim from the Fortress on Tel Arad and “tell Arad” what’s on God’s heart! A side note to this is that the gatekeeper broke off a few desert plant twigs handed them to Tiki said “just stick them in good soil and they will grow.” This is possibly a prophetic picture of the dream where I was planting art and artifacts in the desert.
My heart and the vision Up To Jerusalem is to restore the foundation of the apostles and prophets – Yeshua Ha Mashiach the Chief Cornerstone beginning again in Jerusalem. To establish a community of the Holy Spirit in Arad, I also have a passion to see the true One New Man Body of Messiah restored. I believe we are in the times of the restoration of all things. (See Acts 3:19-26).
Below are the needs I have to live in the Land:
To be a legal citizen of Israel so that I can stay in the Land and finish the work I know He has called me to do there.
Monthly finances for housing, food, clothing, and any needed medical/dental expenses. Estimate: housing/food $1000.-1500. per month. Set aside $150 per month for medical/dental say $1800. Clothing approx $600 per year. These are all estimates and I live a pretty simple lifestyle.
I will eventually need a car for travel in the Land. A good used car in Israel can cost $20,000.00
A house to minister from in Jerusalem as the current BnB will close in August. Somethings may change in this and I will keep you posted. I would like to purchase a house or condo.
I praying for people who will commit to intercession and monthly financial giving.
To seed financially into this project simply click the following link:
May God continually pour out His Spirit, love, and power on you.
Rich Harris