Part 2 –Rich’s Israel Trip – Casting the Vision-Up To Jerusalem
So much is happening – so quickly. To that I say, I am not in a hurry and neither is the Lord because all things happen in His time frame if there is such a thing. We are the measurers of time – He takes it or makes it for us. In this we learn patience and endurance, in being patient. My spirit is excited and my soul is curious as to what my spirit is doing? I am going with my spirit on this one “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14). My greatest desire is to be in that category of God’s spiritual realm.
My Father has led me step by step on this journey back to Israel. He has connected me with the right people, ministries, and sources since I perceived in my spirit that I was to return to Israel in October of 2016. I remain in awe of each day’s experience. After much prayer from the depth of my being I know that I am to return to Jerusalem in 2017 and to live there as a “citizen”. Seemingly impossible in so many ways, in the natural, but Father reminds me “nothing” is impossible with Him. What He ordains happens!
In the past few weeks I have been in contact with those I term “my board of council”. I have shared with them every detail I am aware of for this “Up To Jerusalem” journey. It is a thumbs up from all of them.
Living Word Ministries International (LWMI) shall remain headquartered in the Denver Metro area and the “Up To Jerusalem” venture will be under that non-profit corporation. LWMI will continue to function as a local body of equipping ministers and ministries. I will contribute periodically from Jerusalem with fresh revelation as it comes to me for the overall ministry.
Now my friends comes your part of this great venture to contribute in prayer, intercession, and financially. “Now you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit” (Ephesians 2:19-22). In this portion of scripture, the apostle Paul writes about the One New Man being neither Jew nor Gentile due to Christ’ work on the cross. In Christ we are made the One New Man of God and partakers of His divine nature and are part of the commonwealth of Israel.
This is a major part of my work in Israel to all Israel which includes all gentile believers grafted into Israel through the Blood of Yeshua our redeemer.
Current Prayer Needs:
The sale of all my “stuff” Art collection, some furnishings, and the sale of my car just before the final trip outlined below. Get personal banking, investments, and finances in order.
Prayer and finances for follow up trips before final move to Israel/Jerusalem:
First trip in February 2017 – Initial reconnaissance trip for living quarters and ministry connections in Jerusalem and other cities. This venture preferably needs a house to be purchased/donated or a temporary apartment. Headquarters will be in Jerusalem. Date of trip February 8-28, 2017 Plane fare paid for will need additional finances for food and housing (possible rental car?).
Second trip tentative May 2017 – follow up and possible procurement of living quarters, furnishings, and ministry connections. More details to come.
Third trip August 2017 – physical move to Jerusalem – will eventually need a car. Everything is quite expensive in Jerusalem and Israel.
More in Part 3 – coming very soon.