Elisha’s Well Ministry

Elisha’s Well Ministry was first conceived at a men’s conference in the California desert in 1991. There I received a prophetic word from a well – known prophetic man from the Pentecostal/Charasmatic move of the time. This word concerned receiving “the mantle of Elisha” and a forth coming prophetic ministry in the “last days church.” As this word/call became stronger in my life I felt that I was to begin a newsletter entitled, “Answering the Elisha Call.” I published that newsletter for about one year. It’s now time to write it again as a Bi monthly publication concerning the work I will be doing with/among God’s chosen and beloved people, the Jews.
I was called to Israel in the 1970’s through some teachings on the subject and a series of dreams and visions concerning the Land of Israel. I knew very little about Israel her history, etc., except through what I understood from the Bible. My interest turned to “desire to go there” as my mentor at the time continued sharing with me his vast knowledge from scripture and his love for Israel and the Jewish people.
My first trip to Israel was in the spring of 1996 some 20 years after the call. My late wife and I lived and ministered in Ashkelon for nearly 3 years coming in and out every 3 months because of Israel’s visa restrictions. I still honor that today.
I am now back in Israel because of a dream and specific things He personally spoke to me through the prompting of my heart. Through the dream – God specifically sent me to the city of Arad in the northern part of the Negev about 30 minutes west of the Dead Sea. I am currently teaching and ministering with small home groups there in the city. I reside in a very small 1 bedroom apartment – a 10 minute walk from the City Center of Arad.
I teach and equip on hearing God’s voice, our identity in Christ/Messiah, Restoring the Foundation. I am also very involved in planting a serving ministry with my longtime friend Tikva Ratson. Currently, we are looking in Arad for a house in which to minister from. There we will cook, serve food, provide clothing and minster to all needy the Lord sends our way.
Additionally, we have a call to the artist’s community there in that city. Just today I was talking via phone to some prophetic friends from Arad about that community of artists. We are watching the plan unfold.
My ultimate call is to restore the foundation of the church (see Ephesians2:14-22) and reinforce the one new man of Jew and Gentile as one Body in Messiah Yeshua. This will be done through teaching, feeding, and ministering in prayer and healing to those in Arad and the surrounding areas.
Would you pray and consider how the Lord might have you help us in the plant of this new work.
I appreciate your prayers for the Elisha’s Well Ministry and Tikva and me as we pioneer this adventure with God.
If you want to help us with a financial gift go to http://livingwordevents.org/israel
Rich Harris
Tikva Ratson
Specific needs for prayer and finances:
Wisdom to do this work in God’s love and integrity
Find the right house for the work
Finances for the house
Resources for quality food
Connection to the art community
Monthly support for the ministry
Intercessors who actually share the vision
Local helpers who share the vision (we already have 3 volunteers from one of Home groups)