Courts of Heaven, Part 2

Courts of Heaven, Part 2


Heavenly Father,

I Humble myself before you and as your redeemed child, justified by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ I ask that I may come before you as my King and Righteous Judge.

I bow before and request that the Court of Heaven be called to order on my behalf.

I ask that my Book of Destiny be opened and the works that you have ordained for me to do be presented.

Most Holy and Righteous Judge I ask that you hear me out as I state my case according to your word in Isaiah 43:26

My Complaint:

Satan has sought to devour me, seeking to stop your purposes and will from being done in my life. He has in sighted people to speak words of Judgement against me.

My Request:

I request that all charges and accusations of Satan and judgements spoken against me by people be exposed before this court

(List them if you hear them being spoken)

I ask that everything that has been stolen and held back be released and restored according to your word.

I ask you to forgive me for any and every way I have agreed with the accusations Satan and or his demons have brought against.

I repent of every act, thought or word I have spoken that has given place to the devil in my life.

I ask you to forgive my ancestors for all agreements they made with the devil by the words they spoke and the things they did that gave place to the devil in our family.On behalf of my family, I repent of all words spoken and actions taken by my ancestors that gave place to the devil.

I ask that the Lord Jesus Christ be my advocate here today and that His shed Blood sprinkled on the Mercy Seat be my witness.

I ask you to pronounce Your Verdict today in my case concerning the charges and accusations satan has brought against me and the judgments that people have spoken against me.

I thank you that Your Verdict of ____________ has been decreed here today and that you forgive me of all the sin, transgression, and iniquity that I have confessed. That because of the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ you me cleanse from all unrighteousness.



I Decree that because of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Verdict rendered here today I am Justified before almighty God and all of Satan’s accusations are nullified and all of his claims on me and my destiny are now removed.

I Decree that because of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ all curses pronounced over me, my job, my business and my family blood line are now removed because there is no longer a place for them.

I Condemn all words of judgement spoken over me and my family bloodline. I Decree that my righteousness is not my own but I stand in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I Decree that all of God’s promises in Christ and purposes written in my Book of Destiney according to Psalm 139:16 are now released to me, along with the works He has prepared for me to do written about in Eph. 2:10.

Lord I Thank You and Praise You for Your Goodness and Faithfulness to me.

In Jesus Name I Pray


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